Our Mission

To foster relationships, secure resources, and manage investments to provide financial support to Newman Catholic Schools

Foundation Information

The Newman Catholic Foundation is a nonprofit corporation, established to provide endowments for Newman Catholic Childcare, Elementary, Middle and High School and Mason City, Iowa Catholic parishes, and organizations. The Foundation encourages Catholics to be good stewards through gifts of assets, provides for the investment of those assets and distributes the income according to the Gospel and the specific wishes of the donors.

The Newman Catholic Foundation is governed by a Board of Directors, composed of clergy and lay people. The Foundation distributes earnings from the endowment investments to give support for the educational, pastoral, and ministry needs. Funds in the Foundation are invested with professional money managers with oversight by the Board Members of the Foundation. All investments must adhere to the Diocesan Guidelines for Socially Responsible Investing. The Disbursement Subcommittee of the Foundation reviews all requests and makes funding recommendations to the Board of Directors. A final decisions regarding funding requests are made by the Board of Directors.

The amount of funds distributed each year depends on the earnings of the Foundation’s assets. The Office of Development is managed by Lynn Ptacek, Development Director and Kim Kemna, Foundation Fundraising Coordinator. The staff of the Office of Development manages the day-to-day activities of the Foundation.

Lynn Ptacek
Lynn PtacekFoundation Director
Kimberly Kemna
Kimberly KemnaFoundation Fundraising Coordinator